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Random Musings

from the mind of a CFP

Financial Defaults - Group RSP Default Investment Thumbnail

Financial Defaults - Group RSP Default Investment

Today, I want to look at one that has burned my clients in the past: Group RRSP default investments. Chances are, that default is a Money Market fund, a glorified savings account that will never keep pace with inflation. Some companies use this as a holding tank until you make a decision on what else to invest in.

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Financial Kenversations: TFSA - What Can You Invest In? Thumbnail

Financial Kenversations: TFSA - What Can You Invest In?

Financial Kenversations: Having the TFSA called a savings account is a little misleading. Recent studies show that the majority of Canadian have high-interest savings accounts for their TFSA. I'm here to tell you you can invest in ANYTHING. Check out the latest video on TFSA rate of return with Ken. www.kencoombs.ca #TFSA​ #invetsing​ #FinancialKenversations

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3 Strategies that are NOT Financial Plans Thumbnail

3 Strategies that are NOT Financial Plans

Over the last 8 months of talking to clients, I have heard some interesting stories. Some made me happy, a few sad, but last week I had a meeting that confused me. They had a grand plan for how they are going to fund retirement. What follows are 3 "strategies" I've heard over the years from clients describing Financial "Plans."

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