How Are You Investing in Yourself This Year?
My motto for 2020 is "This Year Will Be Different". I'm changing the way I do a lot of things in my life to make it easier and better. We only get one shot at this.
Every year around this time, people set forth on the journey of self-improvement. I'm going to drink less, I'm going to eat better, I'm going to ACTUALLY go to the gym that I pay $50 a month for. This year though, why not change it up a little? Why not make a resolution to invest in yourself, your career and your family as well?
What do you mean, Ken? Healthy food is expensive which makes it an investment, no?
No. What I mean is, what are you going to do this year that will help future you? What are you going to do that will make your life more enjoyable, easier...whatever you need!
Here is my list
• Eating better, drinking less and working out more - Yes, I am normal and normal people take care of their health first and foremost!
• Buying Time - How can I do that? By hiring the right people to take care of the parts of my life that I'm either not good at or don't want to do. At work that could mean another assistant to take care of follow-ups or advanced planning. At home that could mean a cleaning service, lawn service, and 100% I'm not doing my Christmas lights this year! This allows me to spend more time doing the things I enjoy: Spending time with friends and family, more client meetings and the rest of this list.
• Education in my field of work - Attend more conferences, take more courses, maybe even add some more letters behind my name. #knowledgeispower
• Education in NOT my field of work - Some of the best solutions to problems I've come across in the last 14 years of being in Finance have been borrowed from other disciplines: Marketing, Economics, Computer Science, Engineering and even Magic!
• Professional Therapy - Last year, our kids started seeing a therapist for various reasons. While I was there for one session, the therapist started therapisting ME! I realized at that point that, while family and colleagues are great sounding boards, you can't convey EVERYTHING that's on your mind to them. Having a non-biased third party offer insights into why you act/think/believe things is the most amazing feeling I've experienced. Chances are your group benefits cover a good portion of the cost of these sessions so might as well use it. (if they don't call my office at 519-675-1177 and we'll fix that)
This is by no means an exhaustive list and I won't look like anyone else's list. Everyone has different issues and/or problems in their lives that need attention. So, how are you going to invest in yourself this year? Leave your list below.
Kenneth Coombs CFP CHS RRC
Ken has 14 years experience in the financial services industry, is a Registered Retirement Consultant and a Certified Financial Planner. Ken has written financial planning columns and has been a guest on financial radio and podcast programs.
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