Why Holding Cash May Be Holding You Back
"It all started in 1950 when a diner forgot his wallet at a New York restaurant. That day, the modern credit card was born and the way people pay for things was changed forever."
"It all started in 1950 when a diner forgot his wallet at a New York restaurant. That day, the modern credit card was born and the way people pay for things was changed forever."
Financial Kenversations: Having the TFSA called a savings account is a little misleading. Recent studies show that the majority of Canadian have high-interest savings accounts for their TFSA. I'm here to tell you you can invest in ANYTHING. Check out the latest video on TFSA rate of return with Ken. www.kencoombs.ca #TFSA #invetsing #FinancialKenversations
Financial Kenversations: A tax refund or never pay taxes again...sometimes it's not as easy a choice as you think. Check out the latest video to learn more. www.kencoombs.ca #FinancialKenversations #RSP #TFSA
Over the last 8 months of talking to clients, I have heard some interesting stories. Some made me happy, a few sad, but last week I had a meeting that confused me. They had a grand plan for how they are going to fund retirement. What follows are 3 "strategies" I've heard over the years from clients describing Financial "Plans."
My motto for 2021 is "Do Gooder". I'm changing the way I do a lot of things in my life to make it easier and better. We only get one shot at this.
So, that happened. Every year I look back on the best things I spent money on (2017, 2019). This year, the list could look a little different with additions like hand sanitizer, about 100 face masks, and multiple streaming services, but I want to keep it to the things that got me through 2020.